Based on Kiyuchi Kazuhiro's popular manga series which ran in Weekly Young Jump from 1983, the story revolves around the lives of two rough-and-tumble high school friends Kato Hiroshi and Nakama Toru, who seemed to make a habit of getting into trouble and starting up fights. In keeping with the spirit of the manga, Toru and Hiroshi sport slicked back 50's style perms and adopted exaggerated swaggers that made them comical and yet also oddly cool. The drama also features an assortment of outlandish characters who sport even weirder fashions and hairdos. -- DramaWiki
Be-Bop-Highschool Special
Be-Bop-Highschool OST [B*Blue]
I love the Jdrama and i love it.
ReplyDeleteThank for your support
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for this to be subbed!!!!
ReplyDeletei have watched this movie and laught so much
ReplyDeleteThanks for translating it