In regards to Marriage Plot- we have decided to drop this project. Another group has done a great job at getting the subs out there for everyone and our Korean translator is currently working on her Masters degree, so this really took a back burner. We decided it was best to support the subs that are already out there and encourage you to do the same :) As for Office Girls - again, we are dropping this show. We will be releasing episode 7 before we completely drop it, however. But our main translator, and real project lead on that project, has gotten quite busy as well and is unable to continue her work on it.
Speaking of translators and needing them...we have a couple of projects that's we'd LOVE help on. If you'd like to help us translate from either Japanese or Chinese to English please apply! We are more then happy to teach people if you've never done this type of thing before. The more help we have the faster our releases can come out. So, if you'd like to see more episodes of Meteor Shower, Dandy Daddy?, or even BeBop Highschool 2, then please apply! (To apply just click here) As always, we are happy for any extra help as well. Typesetters, KFX people, uploaders, editors...we need all of you. :)
Again, thanks so much for sticking with us!