We have a couple of projects that we'd <3 help with, and so we are going to open it up to anyone who would like to help! This means if you can only help with one episode, that's totally fine! This is a great way to help if you find yourself with some rare free time! No need to commit to joining the group permanently, or signing up for the whole series!
So, here's what we need -
Why Did You Come to My House? (K-drama) <- Need editors!
Indigo No Yoru (J-Drama) <- Need Translators! These are short episodes (20-25 min)
Be-Bop Highschool 2 (J-Movie) <- Need translators! This is a movie, so if you can only do part that's totally fine We have a spotter who can help make sure it all sounds good in the end
Dandy Daddy (J-Drama) <- Need Translators!
Meteor Shower (D-Drama)<- Need Translators!
SO that's where we are at. If any of those jobs sound good to you then please contact me! Also, as always, we are looking for more additions to our great staff - Typesetter, Translators, Timers, and more!
Thanks in advance!
renaifs@gmx.com <- our e-mail
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